The coronavirus has officially become a pandemic. We’re in unknown territory in terms of how long COVID-19 will last, as well as how it will impact us. Although you can’t control what the COVID-19 will do, you can control how you respond to what is happening. Here are 10 steps you can take to manage any fear you may be experiencing and to get back to enjoying your life as much as possible.
- Work remotely. If you haven’t done so already, make plans to take your business virtual.
- Turn off major network and cable news shows. Seeing pictures of everyone masked up and hearing newscasters repeatedly describing the latest bad news amps up your fear levels. You’re much less likely to experience fear and stress when you’re reading words versus watching a video.
- Engage in extreme self-care. Strengthen your immune system. Do your best to eat well, get extra sleep, drink plenty of water, exercise and engage in activities that you make you laugh or smile – such as listening to music.
- Take all non-essential items off your to-do list. Focus only on what matters most and put everything else aside for the next few weeks. Make sure everyone in your household does this as well. Today, less is more.
- Avoid eating comfort food or drinking to relieve
your stress. In times of crisis, reaching for comfort food is a natural reaction. Instead, protect your body by consuming nutrient-rich foods that support your energy and good health. - Think locally, act locally. Do everything possible to keep your loved ones healthy. The world will still be there with all its other problems when COVID-19 dies down.
- Engage in activities that help you feel grounded. Step outside, bask in the sunshine and enjoy the beauty of springtime. Care for your garden. Hike or bike your favorite trail to see the trees and flowers blooming.
- Renew your interest in a favorite hobby. Pick up that paint brush, pull out that old guitar or find that special cookbook that belonged to your grandmother. Doing what you enjoy energizes and balances you.
- Go out of your way to be courteous and kind to everyone. When everyone is feeling the stress, minor things
can trigger major reactions. Do your best to avoid adding any additional stress on top of what people are already experiencing. - Most importantly, laugh and smile! It’s true what they say — laughter might just be the best medicine. According to the American Heart Association, laughter helps decrease stress hormones and boosts the immune system. By the same token, when you smile at someone and they smile back they feel better. It’s the equivalent of giving them a virtual hug.
Very simply, the world is a treacherous place. You can choose to let fear dominate your life or you can take steps to manage the fear and live your life to the fullest extent possible.
These tips brought to you courtesy of inman.com.
Tags: covid19
Categories: Shorewest Tips
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